
We offer customer-specific exercise planning and support tailored to meet customer needs. From armorers training to FIBUA and SUT we create innovative, technology-driven instructional design systems and curriculums based on the latest theories and trends in each customer’s area of expertise

This expertise ensures that our training is relevant and impactful.

Designed for operators and armorers of our machine guns to provide them with needed skillset to ensure maximalisation of machine gun potential.

Areas covered:
  • Operation
  • Parts identification
  • disassembly / assembly
  • Lubrication
  • Dry functionality tests during assembly
  • Maintenance
  • Advanced maintenance
  • Worn Parts Indentification
  • Repairs
  • Dry Fire
  • Field Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting – stoppage, double feed, failure to chamber/ eject/ extract, lightstrike
  • Live fire training

Designed for operators and armorers of assault rifle to provide them with needed skillset to ensure maximalisation of assault rifle potential.

  • Operation
  • Parts identification
  • Disassebly/assebly
  • Lubrication
  • Dry functionality tests during assembly
  • Maintenance
  • Advanced maintenance
  • Worn Parts Indentification
  • Repairs
  • Dry Fire
  • Field Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting – stoppage, double feed, failure to chamber/ eject/ extract, lightstrike
  • Live fire training

The Small Unit Tactics training is designed to teach the fundamentals of Team and Squad level tactics. You will be introduced to the same building block skills taught to Operators during training. Emphasis will be placed on the basic fundamentals and a firm understanding of tactics in order to build a solid base for more advanced training. The Tactics and Techniques taught in this course are the same tactics used and validated by conventional and Special Operations Units in Real World Operations and is taught by combat veterans with combat experience in them.

Areas covered:
  • Movement
  • Recon
  • Area Defense
  • Raid
  • Ambush
  • Diversion
  • Flank
  • and etc.

The CQB Fundamentals Course is designed to teach the fundamentals of room entry. You will be introduced to the same building block skills taught to Tier 1 Operators during CQB training. Emphasis will be placed on the basic fundamentals and a firm understanding of tactics in order to build a solid base for more advanced training.

Areas covered:
  • Principles of CQB
  • Moving / Drills
  • Doors procedures
  • Hallways Procedures
  • Stairs Procedures
  • Rooms Procedures
  • 1/2/4 Room Entries
  • and etc.
Vectorová mapa světa na které jsou vyznačené oblasti: USA, Česko, Rakousko, Kenya, Ukrajina
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